Working with Generics

We've gotten this far without really getting in the weeds over some of TypeScript's more confusing syntax. Up until this point, I have handwaved over the syntax for generic type variables, but we're going to be using them a bit more in the next section of this course. It makes sense for us to take a moment or two to really understand what's going on here.

Nota bene: We're going to learn just enough about generics to make our lives easier as we implement some common component patterns in React. It's not our goal to have an exhaustive discussion on the topic. If you're interested in learning more, I recommend checking out the workshops on TypeScript Fundamentals and Production-Grade TypeScript.

Generics allow us to be a little bit more flexible with our type system. You can think of them as variables for your types.

You might have seen some syntax at looks like this.

type Link<T> = {
  value: T;
  next: Link<T>;

We can't just make a new object with that type.

const link: Link = {};

Now, we can define what type T should be.

const link: Link<string> = { value: "hello" };

It's kind of like a variable.

You can use this variable to pay it forward a bit.

const firstLink: Link<number> = {
  value: 2,
  next: {
    value: "string", // This won't work.

This will work, however:

const firstLink: Link<number> = {
  value: 2,
  next: {
    value: 4,

TypeScript will try to help you out as much as possible.

You can also use this in a function.

function identity<T>(arg: T) {
  return arg;

This would be not great if we had to make new functions for every different type that we anted to use the indentity function on.


It turns out that TypeScript will try its darnest to help out.


I'm just going to casually mention that this might be important for our understanding later.

Your Mission

This will be quick, but we'll build a little break into it.

Are you familiar with the tap utility method? tap takes an argument and a function. It passes the argument into the function and immediately returns the return value.

For example:

const arrayWithoutLast = tap([1, 2, 3, 4], function (array) {
  // Pop always returns the value it removed from the end of the array.
  return array.pop();

So, here are the nuances.

It not only needs to figure out the type like identity but it also needs to pass that same type into the function, and it needs to return that type. The callback function is just mutating the object, so it doesn't need to return anything.

The following code should return the original array without the last item.

const popped = tap([1, 2, 3], (n) => n.pop());

(You can peek at the solution here).

Use With Arrow Functions

You need a weird comma.

const createNode = <T>(value: T): Link<T> => ({ value });

const addNext = <T>(node: Link<T>, value: T): Link<T> => { = createNode(value);
  return node;

const createNodeAndNext = <T>(first: T, second: T) => {
  const firstNode = createNode(first); = createNode(second);
  return firstNode;

const createNodeAndNextTapped = <T>(first: T, second: T): Link<T> =>
  tap(createNode(first), (node) => addNext(node, second));

const node = createNode(4);
const nextNode = addNext(node, 5);
const twoNodes = createNodeAndNextTapped(1, 2);
const twoMoreNodes = createNodeAndNext(4, 5);