Polymorphic Components (Solution)

Right now, div is hard coded and so we can assume it takes the same props as div and then pass them through.

But, what about if we wanted to be able to swap out the underlying element?

We need to break this problem apart into two pieces.

  • The properties of Text component itself.
  • The passthrough properties.

The Text component has the following props:

type TextOwnProps<E extends React.ElementType = React.ElementType> = {
  children: string;
  as?: E;

And we want out custom component to proxy all of its props to the HTML Element minus our special sauce.

type TextProps<E extends React.ElementType> = TextOwnProps<E> &
  Omit<React.ComponentProps<E>, keyof TextOwnProps>;

We're using Omit as a helper in this case.

Finally, we'll refactor our Text component as follows:

function Text<E extends React.ElementType = typeof defaultElement>({
}: TextProps<E>) {
  const TagName = as || "div";
  return <TagName {...rest}>{children}</TagName>;

Completed Example

import * as React from "react";

type TextOwnProps<E extends React.ElementType = React.ElementType> = {
  children: string;
  as?: E;

type TextProps<E extends React.ElementType> = TextOwnProps<E> &
  Omit<React.ComponentProps<E>, keyof TextOwnProps>;

const exampleText =
  "When I was born, the name for what I was did not exist. They called me nymph, assuming I would be like my mother and aunts and thousand cousins. Least of the lesser goddesses, our powers were so modest they could scarcely ensure our eternities. We spoke to fish and nurtured flowers, coaxed drops from the clouds or salt from the waves. That word, nymph, paced out the length and breadth of our futures.";

const defaultElement = "div";

function Text<E extends React.ElementType = typeof defaultElement>({
}: TextProps<E>) {
  const TagName = as || "div";
  return <TagName {...rest}>{children}</TagName>;

const Application = () => {
  return (
      <Text id="main" as="label" htmlFor="wow">

export default Application;

Where are we now?

  • projects/as-props on the as-props-solution branch
  • examples/39-as-props-solution
  • CodeSandbox