Refactoring the Character Cards with Utility Types

We'll start from this base.

We can do a quick refactor make our TableRow components better. This is what they look like right now.

type TableProps = { children: React.ReactNode };
type TableRowProps = {
  heading: string;
  value: string | number;

It would be cool if I could enforce that the heading be property that is actually on a character.

Yes. I could hardcode in the values, but I don't love that.

type TableRowProps = {
    | "Name"
    | "Alignment"
    | "Intelligence"
    | "Strength"
    | "Speed"
    | "Durability"
    | "Power"
    | "Combat"
    | "Total";
  value: string | number;

This is problematic because the properties on the CharacterType could change and then we'd have the potential for an error in our code. It would be better if we could determine the keys eligble to be a row heading dynamically based off of CharacterType right?

type TableRowProps = {
  heading: keyof CharacterType;
  value: string | number;

This gets us most of the way there, with some small issue. It's expecting lowercase headings.

We could handle this a few different ways:

  • Capitalize the heading with JavaScript.
  • Capitalize the heading with CSS.
  • Fix the typing.

Since this is a course of TypeScript, we're going to go with the third option.

type TableRowProps = {
  heading: Capitalize<keyof CharacterType>;
  value: string | number;

Now everything works. (ESLint in CodeSandbox might be a little upset with us, but that's not our concern right now.)

We can even dynamically type the value to be any reasonable type found in the values of CharacterType.

type TableRowProps = {
  heading: Capitalize<keyof CharacterType>;
  value: CharacterType[keyof CharacterType];

The completed example can be found here.

Where Are We Now?

  • projects/character-card on the character-card-with-utility-types branch
  • examples/28-character-card-with-utility-types
  • CodeSandbox