Removing an Item

Okay, we can add items, but we can't remove one just yet. Can we get the ability to remove an item working?

Exercise: Can you create the action and reducer logic for removing an item? Use this Code Sandbox for the exercise. (You can view the solution here.)

As far as connecting it, you have a few options.

  • Make a MenuItemContainer (singular) that has the ability to dispatch an action.
  • Allow MenuItemsContainer (plural) to pass in an onRemove prop to MenuItem.

We're actually going to do it the first way because it will make us learn a new thing about React Redux along the way.

First, we'll pass a method to remove a menu item into MenuItemContainer.

const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch, ownProps) => {
  return {
    remove: () => dispatch(removeItem(ownProps.uuid)),

Now, we'll swap in our new container component.

import { Stack } from "@twilio-paste/stack";
import MenuItem from "./MenuItem";

export const MenuItems = ({ items }) => {
  return (
    <Stack orientation="vertical" spacing="space60">
      { => (
        <MenuItemContainer {/* 🌝 */}