Welcome and Introduction

Who Is This For?

This is for anyone who is tired of copy and pasting snippets of Redux code from other parts of the codebase or from articles on the Internet and wants to understand Redux at a core level. We'll start by looking at Redux itself—completely agnostic of any library—and then we'll look at multiple different techniques for incorporating it into React applications. Finally, we'll look at some sophisticated abstractions that will make it easier to efficiently incorporate Redux into your application.

Code Examples and Project Starters

You can find the repositories that we'll be working with here.

The slides can be found here.

Your Set Up

You don't need a lot to get rocking and/or rolling with this course. In fact, most of the examples and exercises have versions that are hosted on CodeSandbox. So, you probably only need a browsers and if you're reading this, you likely already have one of those.

But, let's assume that you also want to work on some of this stuff locally as well. In that case, you're going to want to have the following installed:

  • NodeJS. This course was tested using the latest LTS release of Node at the time (e.g. 15), but it honestly shouldn't matter much. I recommend using nvm to manage which version of Node you're using.
  • You're going to need an editor of some kind. I recommend using Visual Studio Code. But, you likely already have opinions on this topic.

My Set Up

In case you're morbidly curious about what I'm using as we spend the next several hours together, here is a quick rundown of my setup.

Who am I?

Hello! My name is Steve Kinney and I'm the front-end architect at Twilio—we're the company that sends text messages and emails and whatnot. I help lead all of our front-end and user-interface efforts at the company. Pretty much everything we do is built on top of React and uses TypeScript.

In the past, I started the front-end engineering program at the Turing School of Software and Design, started a JavaScript conference called DinosaurJS, and wrote a book on Electron.

I live in Denver, Colorado. If you are so inclined to find me on the Internet, you may do so at the following locations: